The Hustle Package

In this program you can expect to:

Get clear on your business idea

Determine what foundation you
need to get started

Know what’s stopping you and
how to get over the hurdles

Develop a start-up plan that
balances self-care with achieving goals.

Work through moments of self-doubt
and clarify fear from signs
to change course

Determine your values, strengths
and purpose.

Work on aligning your life to match your values, strengths and purpose

 Get clear on your business idea, purpose, values and beliefs, so you have a solid foundation

  Develop realistic plans to start, grow or change your business

 Develop clear messaging which resonates with your ideal client

 Strategise and review your advertising and promotion

 Improve communication/presentation skills 

 Navigate hurdles

 Work through moments of self-doubt 

Sure you can keep doing what you are doing, but how is that working for you?

Starting something new is hard.

Staying on track when life gets in the way, or when you hit a new level of growth, is even harder. 

I’ve been there!

Even with a clear plan, once you get doing, things can become murky.

You’ll experience things you’ve not come across before, and for which there is no rule book.

And as well meaning as family and friends are, they aren’t personal development experts.

You need someone objective, who knows how to help you become your best self.

That's where I come in!

As a coach and experienced manager, I have years of experience helping people beyond their

comfort zones. I've spent years researching and practising personal development techniques.

I'm objective. My focus is on what is best for you - not someone else. 

By working with me, you will achieve results and make shifts in shorter times, saving you time

and money in the long term. You will end up with new skills, more confidence and more time to

deliver value to your clients.